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Wolfgang Ambros Skifoan Text

Schifoan: A Winter Sports Anthem

Wolfgang Ambros' Iconic Song Celebrates the Joy of Skiing

Skiing Enthusiasts Unite!

In Wolfgang Ambros' legendary song "Schifoan," the Austrian singer-songwriter captures the quintessential essence of the beloved winter sport. From the early morning anticipation to the exhilaration of conquering the slopes, Ambros' lyrics paint a vivid picture of the joys of skiing.

The song opens with a humorous depiction of the eagerness of skiers as they prepare for their day on the mountain. With lines like "In der Fruah bin i da Easchte dea wos aufefoat" (In the morning, I'm the first one up to get ready) and "Damit i ned so long aufs aufefoan woat" (So that I don't have to wait so long to get going), Ambros captures the excitement and impatience of skiers itching to hit the slopes.

As the skiers make their way to the top of the mountain, they stop at a mountain hut for a well-deserved Jägertee, a traditional Austrian ski drink made with tea, rum, and spices. "Obm auf da Hittn kauf i ma an Jägertee / Wei so a Tee mocht den Schnee eascht so richtig schee" (Up on the hut, I buy myself a Jägertee / Because such a tea really makes the snow so beautiful), sings Ambros, emphasizing the importance of après-ski indulgence.

In the chorus, Ambros extols the virtues of the skiing experience, describing the ethereal feeling of gliding down the slopes amidst swirling snow and golden sunshine. "Und wann der Schnee staubt / Und wann die Sunn scheint / Dann hob i ollas Glück in mir vereint" (And when the snow blows / And when the sun shines / Then all happiness is mine), he sings, encapsulating the pure joy and freedom that skiing brings.

The song concludes with a triumphant affirmation of the skier's love for the sport. "I steh am Gipfel schau obe ins Tal / Und denk mir: 'Des is mei Revier'" (I stand at the summit, looking down into the valley / And think: 'This is my domain'), Ambros sings, conveying the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with conquering the slopes.

"Schifoan" has become an anthem for winter sports enthusiasts, capturing the excitement, camaraderie, and pure joy of skiing. Its catchy melody and relatable lyrics have resonated with generations of skiers, making it a timeless classic that continues to inspire and evoke fond memories of winter adventures.
